Released on: 19 July 2011

A new review published in The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist says severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy should be treated with appropriate medication, and looks at a number of studies into different treatments.

Rosie Dodds, Senior Policy Adviser at NCT, the UK’s largest parents’ charity, said:


“Nausea and vomiting is the most common medical condition of pregnancy, affecting a large number of women, and often making their lives miserable. As such it should be treated seriously and not trivialised, either by friends and family or the healthcare service.


“Women will want to be reassured that any medication they are offered is absolutely safe for their baby. We would welcome more research on prevention and treatment of pregnancy sickness, together with support in early pregnancy from a midwife or other health professional, as women shouldn’t have to suffer in silence.”

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