NCT Harrow is the local branch of NCT, and we are run by and for local parents. We run support groups, socials and fundraising events in the Harrow area. But we can't do anything without volunteers! Why not join us?

We are currently recruiting for the following volunteer positions
Bumps and Babies volunteer
Our Bumps and Babies group runs every Monday (except bank holidays) in North Harrow. Often new parents' first trip out of the house with their new bundles, some of the friendships made at the group last a lifetime.
We urgently need more volunteers to join the team. Are you comfortable chatting to parents? Able to provide a welcoming and listening ear, make a good cup of tea and (most importantly) free 1.30pm - 3pm on Mondays?
Please email the branch to chat to Morag, our group coordinator, about getting involved. There's a rota to make sure there are two volunteers each week, so you could volunteer weekly, or help to provide cover for the more regular volunteers.
Walk and Talk helper
We have teamed up with Friends of Headstone Manor and hope to be able to offer regular Walk and Talks and the lovely Anchal has volunteered to help get them started. But we need an extra volunteer or two to make them a regular feature. The park is absolutely beautiful, with long buggy-friendly paths through the newly created wetlands and round the moat and manor house. There's a playground and cafe.
You will need to be available at least once a month, on a regular time and date, to meet parents and accompany them around the park. You can bring your baby or toddler too!
Please email the branch to chat to Anchal about getting involved.
Nearly New Sale volunteer
About twice a year we need lots of volunteers on the day of our Nearly New Sales - setting out the toys and goods, taking money on the tills and clearing away afterwards.
Please visit the Nearly New Sale page to register as a volunteer for our next sale.
Branch Publicity and general volunteers
Fancy getting involved, but perhaps you work during the day or just prefer evenings? We meet regularly in the evening (often in nice cafes with cake and ice cream) to keep the branch running. We could really do with some more volunteers - perhaps you'd like to help us to publicise our events, or keep us organised?
Please email the branch to chat to Ros about becoming a general branch volunteer.