Our community volunteers offer a range of welcoming and inclusive events and activities to support parents. 

Three volunteers holding You're awesome sign

Our regular groups and activities include Bumps & Babies, Walk & Talk, Baby & Child First Aid and Nearly New Sales.

"I love being part of our local NCT community. When we first moved here, I knew no-one. It was the local NCT community who welcomed me. I decided it was time to give back and it continues to pay off for me. I met brilliant parents, made life-long friends and had loads of laughs and cake along the way”

– Heather, parent and volunteer, Glasgow.

What else can I get involved in?

Moses basket filled with baby items

NCT Baby Bundles

Our NCT Baby Bundle projects support over 300- families a year by offering a range of essential items they may not otherwise be able to afford. 

NCT Baby Bundles

Dads holding babies in cafe

Building communities

Join over 3,000 volunteers who support parents and help us to build a community in your local area. 

Join us for a great volunteer experience and the chance to make a real difference to parents.   

 ​​​​​​Colourful reusable nappies

Equipment libraries

Our sling, nappy welly and party kit hire libraries help keep costs down for parents and protect the environment for future generations. 

Volunteer at your next NCT event

There is huge personal reward in knowing that your volunteer time really does help others with the challenges and joys of being a new parent.

To find out what difference you can make and to put your skills to good use for others, register your interest and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

How much time can you spare a month ?

Mother on phone with baby
Mother on laptop with baby
Parents with baby
Nearly New Sale volunteers
Parents at coffee shop
Walking group
Parents and children