Bumps & Babies
Providing expectant mums and new parents with support and friendship every Tuesday in central Reading. This is a fantastic opportunity to get out of the house, and meet up with other parents with non mobile babies and have a chat over coffee.
This group also hosts Baby Café.
Baby Café
NCT Baby Café is a free drop-in, run by Chris, an NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor, who supports parents to feed their baby. We offer support, encouragement and reliable information - whether getting ready to breastfeed, establishing breastfeeding, continuing breastfeeding, expressing, mixed feeding, formula feeding, introducing solids, stopping breastfeeding and beyond. We look forward to seeing you there.
Crawlers & Explorers
Come and join our group on Fridays for little ones on the move! Along with hosting the Sling Library, we have a selection of easy to clean toys and soft play to entertain your little ones.