We want to give a voice to the women and families across the UK affected by postnatal mental illness. These stories bring together everyone from new mums to politicians in a collective call for change.

Hidden Half - Let's get postnatal mental illness out of hiding

#HiddenHalf stories

Libby Binks

Libby's story

Libby Binks, 37, suffered from postnatal depression after her daughter was born. Despite sharing her struggles with health professionals, she didn’t receive any support for a long time.

Read her story

Sara Campin

Sara's story

Sara Campin, 36, suffered with anxiety and depression after both her children were born. Here she highlights how getting help early the second time around, made all the difference.

Read her story



Kavita's story

Kavita's story

Kavita Trevena talks about her traumatic experience of birth and why she’s supporting our #HiddenHalf campaign to get postnatal mental illness out of hiding

Read her story


#HiddenHalf videos

Why did we launch a video campaign?

We launched a Hidden Half video campaign because we wanted to hear how postnatal depression had affected your life.

In order for change to become a reality, we need to break the taboo surrounding maternal mental health and get the word out about the campaign. 

We asked our supporters to tell us why they joined the Hidden Half campaign and the results were special. Some told stories of how postnatal mental illness had affected their friends, partners and mothers but most importantly we were able to see the faces of women who had been affected by postnatal depression themselves. We hope that seeing personal stories will help people to understand why we must get more MPs on board with the campaign. 

We need more politicians to hear that people care about maternal mental health, so that they push it up the political agenda. Our guide tells you how to make your voice heard.

So, who are the Hidden Half? 


#HiddenHalf blogs

Hear from people involved in #HiddenHalf and how they're helping to give those affected by postnatal depression a voice.

What can you do to help?

You can show more politicians that this issue matters by emailing your MP. Wherever you are in the UK, it only takes a couple of minutes using our online form. 

For further questions, please see the HiddenHalf FAQs.

Have you been affected by postnatal mental illness? Or do you know someone who has? 

You can put pressure on the government by using the form on the right to send a message to your MP.

The form is really quick and simple and it creates an email asking your MP to contact the government in your part of the UK, whether you are in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

Take action today

Read the hidden half report in full.