12-18 months articles Show All Showing 36 articles First aid: what to do if your child starts choking Diarrhoea and vomiting in babies How to treat children’s burns and scalds Childhood illnesses: six tips for how to prevent them Postnatal depression, baby blues and emotions after giving birth Meningitis in babies and children What to do if your child has a temperature or a fever How do you write a will? First aid: for a child having a febrile seizure Top tips for parents with two children under two First aid: what to do if your child is unresponsive and not breathing Mental health as a mum: 10 myths Breastfeeding: why babies may bite and how to stop it Expressed milk: your questions answered Baby slings and carriers: a guide When can my baby have water to drink? Which baby carrier, wrap or sling is best for me? Baby immunisations and vaccinations Your baby’s development: communication and play 10 bottle-feeding tips for breastfed babies Sun safety for kids Your toddler’s first words: helping them along Dehydration in children: what to watch for How can family and friends support breastfeeding? What’s the best age gap between siblings? What is flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly or brachycephaly)? Eight facts about baby and newborn coughs and colds 12-18 Months - Life with your baby Baby talk: speech development from 12-18 months How can you encourage a child’s language development? Reading to your child: what’s the fuss about? Shared Parental Leave: a dad's view Top tips to keep your baby warm in winter When and how to select toddler shoes How and when do babies develop social skills? Games and play for development: 12-18 months