Browse by category 0-3 months 3-6 months 6-9 months 9-12 months 12-18 months 18-24 months Your child’s development articles Show All 0-3 months 3-6 months 6-9 months 9-12 months 12-18 months 18-24 months Showing 341 articles Your baby’s development 18-21 months Breastfeeding positions: which are best for you? How can family and friends support breastfeeding? Postnatal depression in dads and co-parents: 10 things you should know Checklist for choosing a child car seat Postpartum psychosis, EastEnders and me Is my baby getting enough milk from breastfeeding or formula? Postnatal depression, baby blues and emotions after giving birth Bronchiolitis in babies When can my baby have water to drink? Postnatal depression, baby blues and emotions after giving birth Bronchiolitis in babies Baby immunisations and vaccinations First aid: what to do if your child starts choking Diarrhoea and vomiting in babies 10 bottle-feeding tips for breastfed babies Your baby’s development: communication and play 10 bottle-feeding tips for breastfed babies Baby massage: tips and benefits Postnatal psychosis: what is it? Fitting a baby's car seat One mum’s experience of postpartum psychosis Expressing milk: Which method is best? What to do if your child has a temperature or a fever Meningitis in babies and children Co-sleeping or bed sharing with your baby: risks and benefits What to do if your child has a temperature or a fever Meningitis in babies and children Your baby’s development: communication and play How to treat children’s burns and scalds Childhood illnesses: six tips for how to prevent them Sun safety for kids Has my baby started teething? the signs to look out for 10 ways to care for your newborn baby What is flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly or brachycephaly)? Child car seat laws in the UK Life with your 3-6 month old How can family and friends support breastfeeding? First aid: for a child having a febrile seizure How do you write a will? Your baby’s development: physical stages Is my baby getting enough milk from breastfeeding or formula? First aid: for a child having a febrile seizure How do you write a will? Baby and toddler travel: what you need to know before going ahead Postnatal depression, baby blues and emotions after giving birth Meningitis in babies and children Your toddler’s first words: helping them along Dehydration in children: what to watch for Your baby’s development 18-21 months Sun safety for kids Expressed milk: your questions answered How often should I breastfeed my baby? Swaddling a baby: the benefits, risks and seven safety tips First aid: what to do if your child starts choking Sun safety for kids What is baby reflux? Symptoms and support Baby massage: tips and benefits First aid: what to do if your child is unresponsive and not breathing Liver disease in babies: the signs to look out for Baby immunisations and vaccinations First aid: what to do if your child is unresponsive and not breathing Liver disease in babies: the signs to look out for Changes in your relationships after having a baby What to do if your child has a temperature or a fever How do you write a will? How can family and friends support breastfeeding? What’s the best age gap between siblings? Your toddler’s first words: helping them along Dehydration in children: what to watch for Bathing your baby How to register your baby’s birth Bleeding after birth: 10 things you need to know How to treat children’s burns and scalds Dehydration in children: what to watch for How can dads and partners support breastfeeding? 10 ways to care for your newborn baby Baby slings and carriers: a guide Top tips for parents with two children under two Your baby’s development: communication and play How can family and friends support breastfeeding? Breastfeeding: why babies may bite and how to stop it Top tips for parents with two children under two First aid: for a child having a febrile seizure Top tips for parents with two children under two What is flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly or brachycephaly)? Eight facts about baby and newborn coughs and colds How can family and friends support breastfeeding? What’s the best age gap between siblings? Your baby’s development: physical stages Sex after a baby: 10 questions to ask yourself Postnatal exercise: how soon can I start again after a baby? Postnatal depression, baby blues and emotions after giving birth Eight facts about baby and newborn coughs and colds Breastfeeding positions: which are best for you? Swaddling a baby: the benefits, risks and seven safety tips Which baby carrier, wrap or sling is best for me? First aid: what to do if a baby is choking Baby and toddler travel: what you need to know before going ahead Swaddling a baby: the benefits, risks and seven safety tips Baby slings and carriers: a guide First aid: what to do if a baby is choking Expressing milk: Which method is best? First aid: what to do if your child is unresponsive and not breathing First aid: what to do if a baby is choking First aid: what to do if your child starts choking Diarrhoea and vomiting in babies What is flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly or brachycephaly)? Eight facts about baby and newborn coughs and colds Your baby’s development: communication and play Perinatal depression: the questions you really want to ask What happens at your 6-week check-up What to do if your child has a temperature or a fever Diarrhoea and vomiting in babies 10 bottle-feeding tips for breastfed babies Postnatal exercise: how soon can I start again after a baby? Circumcision in boys What if I need to formula feed my baby away from home? Changes in your relationships after having a baby Postnatal exercise: how soon can I start again after a baby? Which baby carrier, wrap or sling is best for me? What if I need to formula feed my baby away from home? What is baby reflux? Symptoms and support Breastfeeding: why babies may bite and how to stop it First aid: for an unresponsive baby who's not breathing How to treat children’s burns and scalds Childhood illnesses: six tips for how to prevent them First aid: what to do if your child starts choking Diarrhoea and vomiting in babies Baby and toddler travel: what you need to know before going ahead Introducing your baby to solids Mastitis: symptoms and treatment First aid: for a child having a febrile seizure Childhood illnesses: six tips for how to prevent them Expressed milk: your questions answered Mastitis: symptoms and treatment Constipation in babies: Q&A First aid: for an unresponsive baby who's not breathing Mastitis: symptoms and treatment Constipation in babies: Q&A First aid: for an unresponsive baby who's not breathing Has my baby started teething? the signs to look out for Baby slings and carriers: a guide Mental health as a mum: 10 myths Postnatal depression, baby blues and emotions after giving birth Meningitis in babies and children How to treat children’s burns and scalds Childhood illnesses: six tips for how to prevent them Your post-pregnancy body questions answered How to get access to your maternity notes after the birth Breastfeeding problems and concerns in the early days First aid: what to do if your child is unresponsive and not breathing Meningitis in babies and children How often should I breastfeed my baby? My baby is not gaining weight Talking about baby babble: 0 – 6 months Tips to help your baby to sleep Expressing milk: Which method is best? My baby is not gaining weight Tips to help your baby to sleep 10 bottle-feeding tips for breastfed babies Which baby carrier, wrap or sling is best for me? What to do if your child has a temperature or a fever How do you write a will? Postnatal depression, baby blues and emotions after giving birth Meningitis in babies and children Changes in your relationships after having a baby Sore nipples when breastfeeding Tongue-tie in babies Liver disease in babies: the signs to look out for Your baby’s development: physical stages Sex after a baby: 10 questions to ask yourself Oversupply of breast milk and how to reduce it Mental health as a mum: 10 myths What is baby reflux? Symptoms and support Oversupply of breast milk and how to reduce it Mental health as a mum: 10 myths Mixed feeding: combining breastfeeding and bottle feeding First aid: for a child having a febrile seizure Top tips for parents with two children under two What to do if your child has a temperature or a fever How do you write a will? Fertility and contraception after birth Nursing strike or baby refusing the breast Baby slings and carriers: a guide Top tips for parents with two children under two Baby immunisations and vaccinations Perinatal depression: the questions you really want to ask Inflammation of the milk ducts (also known as blocked ducts) Postpartum psychosis, EastEnders and me Has my baby started teething? the signs to look out for Inflammation of the milk ducts (also known as blocked ducts) First aid: what to do if your child is unresponsive and not breathing Mental health as a mum: 10 myths First aid: for a child having a febrile seizure Top tips for parents with two children under two How to help your baby attach and breastfeed Cot safety features: sleeping safely in a cot Inflammation of the milk ducts (also known as blocked ducts) Which baby carrier, wrap or sling is best for me? First aid: what to do if a baby is choking Your baby’s development: communication and play Introducing your baby to solids Postnatal depression in dads and co-parents: 10 things you should know Sun safety for kids One mum’s experience of postpartum psychosis 10 bottle-feeding tips for breastfed babies Postnatal depression in dads and co-parents: 10 things you should know Sun safety for kids Expressed milk: your questions answered Breastfeeding: why babies may bite and how to stop it First aid: what to do if your child is unresponsive and not breathing Toddler tantrums: the facts and how to cope Co-sleeping or bed sharing with your baby: risks and benefits Developmental hip dysplasia in babies (DDH) Constipation in babies: Q&A What if I need to formula feed my baby away from home? Baby and toddler travel: what you need to know before going ahead How to get access to your maternity notes after the birth Postnatal psychosis: what is it? Dehydration in children: what to watch for Perinatal depression: the questions you really want to ask Postnatal psychosis: what is it? Dehydration in children: what to watch for How can family and friends support breastfeeding? When can my baby have water to drink? Baby slings and carriers: a guide Breastfeeding: why babies may bite and how to stop it Expressing milk: Which method is best? Postnatal care: checks for babies Being a new parent: juggling life as a new dad or co-parent Talking about baby babble: 0 – 6 months First aid: for an unresponsive baby who's not breathing Changes in your relationships after having a baby What is flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly or brachycephaly)? Eight facts about baby and newborn coughs and colds Introducing your baby to solids What is flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly or brachycephaly)? Eight facts about baby and newborn coughs and colds Postnatal depression in dads and co-parents: 10 things you should know Sun safety for kids Baby immunisations and vaccinations Which baby carrier, wrap or sling is best for me? Baby slings and carriers: a guide What is baby reflux? Symptoms and support Is my baby getting enough milk from breastfeeding or formula? Being a new dad: the early days Tips to help your baby to sleep Fertility and contraception after birth Cot safety features: sleeping safely in a cot First aid: what to do if your child starts choking Diarrhoea and vomiting in babies How to get access to your maternity notes after the birth First aid: what to do if your child starts choking Diarrhoea and vomiting in babies Expressed milk: your questions answered Postnatal psychosis: what is it? Dehydration in children: what to watch for Your baby’s development: communication and play Which baby carrier, wrap or sling is best for me? How can dads and partners support breastfeeding? The baby blues: what to expect Mental health as a mum: 10 myths How to help your baby attach and breastfeed Co-sleeping or bed sharing with your baby: risks and benefits How to treat children’s burns and scalds Childhood illnesses: six tips for how to prevent them Expressed milk: your questions answered Mixed feeding: combining breastfeeding and bottle feeding How to treat children’s burns and scalds Childhood illnesses: six tips for how to prevent them When can my baby have water to drink? What is flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly or brachycephaly)? Eight facts about baby and newborn coughs and colds Has my baby started teething? the signs to look out for 12-18 Months - Life with your baby About breastmilk and breastfeeding About breastmilk and breastfeeding Learning words: babies from 6 to 12 months Learning words: babies from 6 to 12 months 12-18 Months - Life with your baby 9-12 months - Life with your baby 9-12 months - Life with your baby Baby talk: speech development from 12-18 months How can you encourage a child’s language development? Your baby’s development: 6-9 months How can you encourage a child’s language development? How can you encourage a child’s language development? How can you encourage a child’s language development? Your baby’s development: 6-9 months How can you encourage a child’s language development? How can you encourage a child’s language development? Seven ways to help your baby start talking 3-6 months - Life with your baby Seven ways to help your baby start talking Seven ways to help your baby start talking 3-6 months - Life with your baby Seven ways to help your baby start talking Your baby’s development: 0-3 months Your baby’s development: 0-3 months How to help your toddler talk Reading to your child: what’s the fuss about? Reading to your child: what’s the fuss about? Reading to your child: what’s the fuss about? Reading to your child: what’s the fuss about? Reading to your child: what’s the fuss about? Reading to your child: what’s the fuss about? Benefits of breastfeeding Benefits of breastfeeding Benefits of breastfeeding Benefits of breastfeeding What's the best kind of formula milk? What's the best kind of formula milk? What's the best kind of formula milk? What's the best kind of formula milk? Shared Parental Leave: a dad's view How and when do babies develop social skills? Top tips to keep your baby warm in winter The split bilirubin blood test Top tips for tummy time Baby development: are all babies the same? How and when do babies develop social skills? Top tips to keep your baby warm in winter Newborn baby poo in nappies Baby development: are all babies the same? Top tips to keep your baby warm in winter How and when do babies develop social skills? Top tips to keep your baby warm in winter Top tips to keep your baby warm in winter Baby development: are all babies the same? Top tips to keep your baby warm in winter Baby development: are all babies the same? How and when do babies develop social skills? When and how to select toddler shoes Your baby’s development 21–24 months How and when do babies develop social skills? Raising a bilingual baby or child: 8 tips for how to do it How and when do babies develop social skills? Games and play for development: 6-12 months Games and play for development: 12-18 months Games and play for development: 18-24 months